Unity Tutorial


Unity Tutorial 10

Hey there, this week I looked at two more of my own tutorials for unity that would help me in the development of my game further on for this week, I decided firstly to do a bit of browsing to find the correct Unity tutorials that I would need for this weeks development. I firstly found a tutorial on how to implement jumpscares into unity, since I really would like to add this to my actual game development this week, I was going to look at adding an enemy entity that would follow the player, but unfortunately, I think that is a bit too much coding for the time I have left, here is the first video I used this week:

This video really helps in creating a jumpscare, and I now know roughly on how I would like my jumpscares in my actual game for this weeks task, it was really fun doing up a little mock-up for jump scares because you can get a really nice idea on how it all works one thing though that I found challenging was making it 2d and without animations, I just want a sudden picture to pop up and make a lout noise then disappear and after a lot of work I found out how to do this.

The second tutorial I used this week and will again help me in the creation of my main game was a video from Brackeys where in it you make really nice scene transitions like loading screens, so rather than going from the main menu straight to the game there’s a scene in between that loads everything up. Here’s the link:

This video wasn’t too hard to do a mock-up on because Brackeys really help in the development of everything to do with Unity and explains it really well which is nice to follow along to, Overall I am happy with these two tutorials, and can’t wait to implement them into my final game development stage, these will really polish up my game to what I want it to look like for the trailer. 
