Game Idea Research

 Game Design Research

For my game idea that I would like to go for is the scary maze idea I talked about last week in my blog. In my opinion I think that this game would not be too difficult to make because there are so many tutorials on YouTube out there that can help me out in the creation of this game on unity.

In this I will talk about three different game mechanics that I think would work well in a first-person horror maze game like this. The first one being jump scares. In my opinion this is the main idea that I would want in my game, plenty of videos out there to implement jump scares into a game. I got this idea of having jump scares from the game Five Nights at Freddy’s. The whole game is based on jump scares and are at completely random moments. Although I do not know if I want to make the game so someone is the monster like an actual person or a AI, I do think that having this game mechanic would really bring out the horror aspect that I am looking for. I have found a few videos on YouTube that I think will really help me in making all of this:

Link to video on Jump Scares

Another Video on Jump Scares

The second game mechanic that I think would work well in my horror maze game is Atmosphere. What I mean by this is creating tension in the game that will always leave you on the edge of your seat because you really do not know what is around the corner. The game that I thought of when thinking of this game mechanic is Amnesia The Dark Decent, a really scary horror game where even if you where standing still you could feel the tension in the air as if something was going to happen to your character. A really good way of creating the atmosphere is all to do with sounds etc. Having sounds all throughout the maze from wind howling in your ears or screams of people in trouble could all build up on the tension that would really make the game one hundred times scarier. I found a video again on YouTube that goes over how to create scary ambient sounds on unity so I would love to explore the route of making my own sounds for the game.

Link to Ambient Sounds  

The third possible game mechanic that I would like to add would be to do with having a sanity level in the game. What I mean by this is if the player was to get jump scared, I would want that to take some sanity off the bar this resulting in the player starting to go crazy and loose health when the sanity bar gets to zero. I do not believe that in a game and especially a horror game the player should get instantly killed from the monster. This mechanic would add a cool aspect to the game and would be different. I also found some videos on what I mean by this on YouTube.

Link to Sanity Meter Video


  1. Hi Sam!
    Hope youve been keeping well. This is a great idea, i hope the making of it goes well. i would love to play it when its made so let me know how you get on.

  2. Hey Sam, nice to see someone working on a horror game. I do like me some horror >: -) I particularly like the idea of the sanity meter. It’s the first I’ve heard of it and I think it will help with adding tension to the game. I’m curious to see how your game will turn out.

  3. Hey Sam, you're the first person that I've seen working on a horror game and I think it's a great idea. I used to love watching my cousins play the resident evil games but never could because of the jump scares, the tutorials you included remind me of them. Have you ever played the game PT? That's another one I remember with loads of jump scares. Hope it goes well would love to play it when its finished!

  4. Hi Sam
    How are ya doing. I see your doing a maze game so am I in a way. How ever I am not relay a fan of the horror idea mostly because I don't like jump scares but that just me. Also this bits got nothing to do about your idea but I think you might have put in to many videos.

  5. Hi Sam, really like the overall idea for your game. I was thinking about doing something similar to this but I decided to go for one of my other ideas. I say yours will turn out great!

    When reading about your game mechanics, I really loved the idea of the sanity meter. I think that's a great creative idea, that could really bring your game to another level. It also would create a lot of tension within the player when playing.

    One thing I didn't quite understand was where the game is to take place. I understand that its a maze horror game, but is it actually going to be in a maze or a area that feels like a maze, such as a large library or similar environments. Is there a story behind your game, because I feel one of the scariest parts of a good horror game, is a good engaging story.

    What if you included the sanity meter, but it worked as a way of telling you how close the monster is, if there is a monster in your game to begin with. So like if the monster was getting close to you, the meter goes up and if he's far away the meter goes down.

    Overall, great idea and I am excited to see how it turns out!

  6. Hey Sam,
    how are you doing? Hope all is well with you! Just finished reading your game idea and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I think the idea for your game is unique and interesting. Personally I love horror movies so I believe that a game like this would really prove enjoyable to me and I'm sure many others are the same. It is obvious to me you've done plenty of work and research for this game idea. I think there is a great opportunity to develop a scary story / plot around this game to add to its intensity and horror, have you thought about any particular story line yet? I'd definitely find enjoyment out of writing a ridiculous horror story line for this game. I also like the idea of the sanity bar I think it adds something different to the game. Lastly, just a question on the maze element of your game, I'm just curious as to how you will implement the maze, and have you thought about different obstacles you will include? Will there be different levels of difficulty for the maze ? Can't wait to play this game, all the best!

  7. Hey Sam, great post on your game idea! I really like this idea and how you want the game to turn out. I love the idea of the sanity meter! Will there be a storyline in the game or you just wind up in a scary maze with no explanation and you have to find out what's going on? Including the links was a good idea in case others might find the useful too! An idea I have would be to intensify the music the lower the sanity meter goes, feel this would add to the impact of a scary maze!


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