Game Design Document "GDD"

 Game Design Document "GDD"

Link To DunDoc Page- Link

This is my GDD a complete overview of my game from the story to the community. In it, I completely highlight all aspects of the game and the direction that I would like to go in for the future. In my opinion, I think this is really helpful with staying track on your game because you can continuously update it and it gives you a guideline on what to follow so you aren't going off course with your game development. But I can also see why people may not like it because, in reality, it is a lot more work on top of actually developing the game itself

An image that best describes my games art style- Slenderman


  1. You seem to have put quite a good bit of thought into the lore of your game, i think this will most definitely help engage your players with the story. I think this is quite a promising idea as many horror games lack true story elements.
    You could separate the game into 8 sections where each part of the maze houses different enemy types, different art style to give the player 8 possible save points or something along those lines.
    It's good to see that you've considered the sound effects as most people would agree that sound is an important factor in horror games

  2. Hi Sam, how are you? Just after finishing up reading your Game Design Document and it is looking really good, well done. I really like the way you're going with a good in depth backstory for your game. I feel like this is crucial for the development of a good horror game and you definitely have a good story to work of and engage the player.
    Did you consider having building within your game? This could be the places that hold the books.
    One suggestion would be to not just have random jump scares, but to have them in places that would really scare the player, like entering a building or turning a corner.

  3. Hi Sam just finished reading your games design document there and I am very impressed you seem to have thought a lot about this whole game including your process on how you are going to make it. It shows you have spent a lot of time on this as you can see by the depth you go into when describing the background story. Your game is quite clever and unique I haven't seen anything similar to it from the CDM Year group.
    Best of luck this semester and hope your game goes well for you. I am looking forward to seeing and possibly playing it.

  4. Hey Sam, just finished reading your GDD and I can definitely see you've put a lot of effort into your design document and you have it well planned out! I really like the story behind the game and it seems like it will be one of those games that starts of happy and cheerful to turn into total horror by the end. Will the player have any way to bring up their sanity, like for example every time they find a book without hellmouth catching them? Best of luck in developing the game! Look forward to seeing more!

  5. Hi, Sam!
    Your Games Design Document is very good, excellent work there!
    I don't know about you but I found a bit tricky to navigate around Dundoc, but little by little I understood what to do.
    I think just like you, it is very helpful to keep track of the game (but yay it can be more work).
    Well, best of luck on these last days of semester 1 :D
    Lívia Alencar


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