Week 9 Reading And Writing


Week 9 Reading and Writing

Hey there, 

Today’s reading task is all about reviewing the reading tasks and the module tasks over the last eight weeks.

Overall the reading assignments have been really helpful for me. They have really benefited me whilst doing my work because I was able to implement some of the points that would have been studying into my own work from time to time. My favourite reading task that benefited me the most was the feedforward reading. This really made it a lot easier to do the feedback and blog comment sections, because I was able to have a greater understanding of how to give both positive and negative feedback. To be honest, though I wouldn’t say the reading task would have helped me in making my game. The reading tasks are there to help others maybe who do not know where to get started with a game etc, but because I kind of know the route of going, the reading, in general, didn’t really help me in that sense but I would highly recommend the read of them.

Upon doing the reading task I definitely feel I have learned a really good skill and that is thanks to Shaun for showing us, and this is just getting the main points of an academic paper and saying what you have learned from the paper and putting it into your own words. This really helped in getting each task done weekly and getting it done within the time that is recommended. 

Overall I am really happy with my game project and how it is turning out so far. Yes, I have been spending a lot more time on it than the recommended time that is given but this has nothing to do with getting ahead this is just making sure that everything is completed in the best way possible. It will really benefit now putting the time in and have everything working exactly the way I want it to rather than having a half-arsed game done at the end of the semester. I am excited about the future of this game and where it’s going to go in the months ahead.

One of my biggest accomplishments of this class is learning how to use unity and I know that we have basically only started out learning about unity because there is so much you need to know, but just knowing the basics of the programme has really allowed me to create this amazing game that I have wanted to create for a long time, not only is it educational to learn unity but is really fun at the same time and I am very blessed that I know what I have learned so far from this module.\

This is one of my favourite images of my game so far, you can really see the world coming along in this shot, and you can also see the progress that I have made with my character, I really feel so happy the way I am able to visualize the progress of my game and am excited to see more images very soon. 

Also, I know we aren't required to post this but here is my favourite video so far on my progress...

One thing for the future of this class and hopefully I will get to experience it, but I would really like to get more out of the reading tasks like I stated they have not helped me majorly in the creation of my game but I would hope that changes soon, and I can learn a lot more in the reading tasks on how to improve on my game etc.
