My Very Own Time Strategies For My LIfe

 Time Strategies

For time management strategies I think that it is very important that you plan out everything of how you are going to complete your work on a weekly basis, not only for this module but for the rest of our classes. What I prefer to do is I have a whiteboard up in my room strictly for planning out my week not only for college but for y life in general, and in my opinion I think a white board is way better than using a diary etc. Its way more engaging and beats having to carry around a journal and beats having to write with a pen and paper. You can get creative with the whiteboard.

So, for the two articles that I read I firstly looked at the titles to see which ones suited me and what ones would help me improve on my time management and planning skills. The two I chose where:

·       Time Management Tips Just for Creatives by Amanda Oliver 

·       How To Best Procrastination by Caroline Webb

The reason as to why I chose these two is because firstly I am a creative person and wanted to know more about being creative in planning out my time management. Secondly, I am also a big procrastinator, so I needed to look at new ways of beating this procrastination curse that I have. Overall, I did find these articles useful and will use the tips that I have learned in this semester and in my daily life.

Live your life today and get what needs to be done today

One of the biggest things that I have learned for this semester is for procrastination. What I noticed last year is that I would commonly leave everything to the last minute and then the quality and quantity would turn out to be disappointing, but what I learned from the procrastination article is that if you visualize your work being done correctly, and how good that feels when you hand it up the relief you get well if you just do the work your supposed to do each week rather than leaving it and stressing about it all it’s a much greater feeling. So, that’s what I am using for this semester is to visualize what it will be like to get the work and assignments done and have no worries about leaving it till last minute, I cant wait to have that amazing feeling of knowing when you have completed something.

At first time management did scare me a little looking at last year the way I ran but now especially for this year I have fixed all that. When I bought the whiteboard, it was a life saver. I was able to plan out my day to day tasks and my weekly tasks and it would keep me on top of my game and ahead of the curve. So, I am happy to work with the schedule that I have planned out for myself.
