Upcoming Assignments


Upcoming assignments 

The main assignments that I am most intrigued by is the individual assignment where we can choose what want to create in unity. The reason I am most intrigued by this is because your able to bring out your creativity.  Having the freedom to use unity and design whatever you want is cool. This is completely unlike most classes where you would normally have a set task to do for an assignment and there is only a level of creativity involved in it, but now that we can choose to design whatever we want it makes me more excited to do this project.

Kerbal Space Program Designed in Unity

Link To Image

Just in general having an extra credit task is really great, makes it easier to pass this course if you miss out on a week or two and also being able to do these extra credits whenever you want to is unreal. Great thing to incorporate this into the module. There is no real question I have about the assignment in the weeks ahead. I have just decided to take the assignment in its stride and complete it bit by bit at a time. But I do think this module will be challenging to learn but overall I've a general idea of how unity works and have practiced over the summer by watching different videos on tutorials on how the program really works.
