Growth Mindset

 Growth Mindset

I have never heard of Carol Dweck before or this idea of growth mindset. I have learned about it only today in doing this task in this module otherwise I would not have known about it all. For the spectrum of growth mindset in my schoolwork I would not have ever used it before, but now that I have learned about it and know what it is all about, I can implement it and use it for the long term for learning in better ways rather than just doing it now for now. But for instance I am an athlete so I would have used growth mindset in my training, always trying to learn and improve and when the hard challenges come around in MMA and boxing I will be able to cope with these tasks, be able to engage with it and learn from it.            

Some of the biggest challenges I would have faced before knowing this information is losing interest in the subject because it would be too boring and sometimes I would just give up because it would be too difficult, but now knowing the information about growth mindset of transforming the meaning of effort and difficulty and using it to get smarter and engage with the subjects more, making effort and difficulty and turning it into a way of getting smarter.

Growth Mindset Quote From Twitter

I will try to use growth mindset in this semester, most of the modules that I am doing I am really interested in but and might not feel like its too difficult or anything but I will try it out and see if it actually works in an educational manner, basically to see if it works for me personally. But before I will need to more research on growth mindset to know exactly how it works so, yes, I would like to learn more about growth mindset. I am really excited for the Multimedia development module this semester because it has everything to do with game development ad much more. I’ve been looking forward to this from the beginning of first year, so hopefully if I do some more research on growth mindset and can utilize it for this module but not only this module also for the rest.


  1. Hi Sam
    I think growth mind set is prity good to its basically see every thing as a glass half full and positively rather then being a pessimist and ya Ill be giving it a try as well thought I've always felt that I shift between growth and fixed depending on my mood that day


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